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What to expect on your first appointment?
Before you arrive:
Not sure which treatment to choose? Please contact me for advice - I am happy to listen to your needs and to help you chose the right treatment.
Please wear comfortable clothes and keep in mind that there might be some oil residue left on your body after the treatment.
- Have only a light meal before so you will not feel any discomfort during the treatment.
When you arrive:
- Before the treatment I will offer you some water and ask you couple of questions - what your massage needs are, why you came to me, I will ask basic questions about your health too - recent injuries, operations, or if there is anything else you'd like to share with me regarding this massage session. You can ask me any questions you have relating to your treatment.
- Then I will give you some time in privacy so you can get ready for the session - I will ask you to undress, remove your watch, jewellery and lie down on massage bed - on your front, facing down and cover your body with towel/sarong. If for any reason you cannot lie face down I will place you in the side-lying position.
- During the whole massage session your intimate areas are covered and are not touched or massaged.
- When you are ready I will come to massage room and adjust your position, so you can feel comfortable during your treatment. We might have couple of breaths together so you can connect with yourself and have the most beneficial time.
- Then I will start my massage opening rituals - with sounds, music or Hawaiian chanting after which I will proceed with the massage itself - applying the massage oil on your body first and then moving with long flowing strokes along the body/Holistic massage techniques.
- When I'm finished with back of your body I will ask you to turn over, holding the massage sheet so you are covered when turning. I will then continue to massage the front of your body, finishing up with your face and head.
- After the massage I will leave you in the treatment room so you can get dressed and I will offer you water again, we will have a moment to talk if you need to.
Choose the right treatment for You

Sound Healing Massage
beneficial for
- Deeply relaxing
- Helps to clear energetic blockages
- Improves sleep
- Supports mental, emotional and spritual well-being
- €50 - back of the body sound healing massage
- €80 - 60mins 1 to 1 sound bowls full body massage
- €100 - 75mins singing bowls - working on specific issue i.e. upper back tension or lower back pain etc incl aura cleansing, harmonising, sound massage and grounding

Lomi Lomi Massage/Hawaiian Bodywork
beneficial for
- Emotional difficulties, insomnia
- Trauma, anxiety
- Stress and tension
- Lack of balance
- Transition moments in life
- €70 - 60mins Hawaiian KAHI LOA shamanic elemental massage
- €100/€140 - 1,5h or 2 hours treatment of therapeutic LOMILOMI - full body massage and energy work (including face and scalp)
- COMBO SESSION - Hawaiian bodywork + sound bowls massage €120 - 90mins

Foot Reflexology & Uplifting Face Massage
beneficial for
- Blockages in the body
- Working foot reflexes will benefit the whole system
- Face massage combines techniques of myo-fascia release, Kobido Japanese massage, face reflexology
- €70 - 60 minutes treatment of FOOT REFLEXOLOGY including energy work
- €70 - 60 minutes treatment of UPLIFTING FACE MASSAGE
- COMBO SESSION - Uplifting face massage + Foot Reflexology €120 - 90 mins